WordPress Installation Instructions for cPanel Users

What makes you require it? How can WordPress be installed on your cPanel account? On the blog, we have everything figured out. Read on!

The cPanel framework is user-friendly and made to make managing web hosting accounts easier for users.

It is preferable to get hosting based on cPanel if you are a newbie and working on building a website or starting a WordPress blog.

In essence, cPanel gives website owners the ability to administer their WordPress website. Among the many applications of cPanel are the management of domain names, database connections, and email accounts. The owners of WordPress websites can handle all the aforementioned elements of their website as well as other aspects of it without any technological expertise. WordPress is the most popular and widely used platform for developing websites, thus website owners should start getting familiar with its control panels, or cPanels.


Consequently, today’s article:

Describe cPanel.

An online Linux-based GUI is really what cPanel is by definition (graphical interface). It is employed to regulate, maintain, compile, and enhance their WordPress blog.

You may publish a complete website, manage domains, arrange the information on your website, and more with cPanel.

Additionally, cPanels are not exclusively for WordPress. There are other web hosting companies out there that give website owners their own cPanels.

The cPanel offered by various businesses uses largely the same technology and accomplishes the same task as described above. Additionally, one of the most widely used control panels in the USA is cPanel.

cPanels frequently come with a variety of web hosting plans. cPanels offer two interfaces as well. Together, they form a strong relationship to provide users more grip to their websites settings.

First one is surely “cPanel” and next one is “web Host Manager(WHM)”. These interfaces combine to provide better experience to the user in managing the server.

A cPanel dashboard’s appearance.

Due to the fact that different websites use different cPanels based on the website hosting provider, it is practically impossible to distinguish the general appearance of cPanel. One thing is certain, though: all cPanels provide the same functionality.

The screenshots above and below show what a typical cPanel looks like. The visible symbols are in the center, there are a few options on the left, and your website’s information and host are on the right.


Use of cPanel by all WordPress hosts?

not typically! Although cPanel is the most widely used platform for administering and controlling websites, it is by no means the only one available.


Only 400 million of the almost 2 billion websites in existence are active. As a result, some of the enormous number of websites that exist today may use customized control panels.


These specialized control panels function just like their cPanel-based rival. The only distinction is that these personalized cPanels are offered by the web hosting companies and not by the “cPanel” brand.


Additionally, contact your web hosting company and inquire about your current cPanel if you have any questions.



Use of cPanel by all WordPress hosts?

not typically! Although cPanel is the most widely used platform for administering and controlling websites, it is by no means the only one available.


Only 400 million of the almost 2 billion websites in existence are active. As a result, some of the enormous number of websites that exist today may use customized control panels.


These specialized control panels function just like their cPanel-based rival. The only distinction is that these personalized cPanels are offered by the web hosting companies and not by the “cPanel” brand.


Additionally, contact your web hosting company and inquire about your current cPanel if you have any questions.


How Do I Access cPanel?

You can access your website’s cPanel in a number of ways, and we’ll explain them all to you so that you can do so quickly and easily.


Using the Address Bar to Log In

Using the address bar on your browser, you may access your cPanel. Just enter the address of your website and add “:2082” or “:2083” for cPanel SSL at the end of the address. Here is an illustration of what your cPanel address might resemble: https://yourwebsite.com:2083.


Additionally, you can access your cPanel by typing /cPanel following your address rather than the numeric digits. By the time you were finished, your website’s address would resemble this: https://yourwebsite.com/cpanel.


Using IP Address to Log In

You can’t utilize the first technique if your website is brand-new because it’s likely that your DNS records haven’t yet been broadcast on the server. Fortunately for you, your IP address may also be used to access the cPanel on your website.


Your website’s address might appear something like this:


Furthermore, you may easily switch the language at the bottom of the cPanel login screen if you want a language other than English for cPanel.


Additionally, we advise you to bookmark the cPanel login page. You wouldn’t have to worry about having to type in Ips or numbers when you later returned to your page thanks to this.


Lastly, all you have to do once you’re on the cPanel login page all you need to do is to enter the username and password and click on the button below the input fields to enter your website’s control panel.


Does WordPress need cPanel?

As mentioned above, cPanel is an essential server management technology for your website. WordPress is basically a content management system (CMS). You can build your system.


Confused? Let’s explain in a more detailed and simple way.


If you want to publish your website so that viewers can access it using an Internet connection, you need to get the website on your server. On the other hand, if you’re looking to start a WordPress article or blog, you’ll need a server to host your blog. Otherwise no one can access it. However, the server is always connected to the internet. This allows viewers to easily access her website through an internet connection.


Technically, if you want to manage your server and website software, you need a technical solution and that’s where cPanel comes in. As mentioned above, cPanel is a GUI that allows users to easily manage their services without technical knowledge.


WordPress, on the other hand, is a database-oriented content management system (CMS). This system is used to view, edit, add, delete and change the content of the website.


What’s the best feature? Well, the WordPress CMS lets you carry out all the tasks mentioned above without any knowledge of coding. You can add pages, media, videos, and much more easily. Hence, the combination of WordPress and cPanel is robust, and it provides amazing usability and feasibility to the users.


While your WordPress website lets you easily build pages, a cPanel lets you manage it efficiently.


cPanel: Is It Required For WordPress?

The server management technology known as cPanel, which we already stated, is crucial for websites. A common content management system (CMS) on which you can base your system is WordPress.


Confused? Let’s provide a more thorough yet simple explanation.


You must put your website on a server in order for it to go live and be accessible to your audience over the internet. On the other hand, you will require a server to host the blog if you’re considering establishing a WordPress post or blog. Otherwise, nobody will be able to access it. On the other hand, a server is constantly linked to the internet. This would make it simple for visitors to your website to access it via an internet connection.


Technically, you would require a technical answer while managing your server and the software for your website, and this is where cPanel comes in helpful. And as we already discussed, cPanel is a GUI that enables users to administer their services more easily and without the need for technical expertise.


WordPress, in contrast, is a content management system focused on databases (CMS). A website’s content can be displayed, edited, added to, removed from, and changed using this system.


The most notable quality? The WordPress CMS, however, enables you to complete all of the aforementioned activities without having any programming experience. Pages, media, movies, and a lot more can be readily added. As a result, the combination of WordPress and cPanel is strong and offers users incredible usability and feasibility.


With a cPanel, you can effectively administer your WordPress website while still being able to create pages with ease.


How Can WordPress Be Installed On cPanel?

If your hosting company does not support WordPress installation, you can use Softaculous in the cPanel to do the task. the following steps:


1)Go to cPanel -> Home -> Software

2)Choose Softaculous Apps Installer

3)Search for WordPress on the left.

4)Then select the WordPress icon.

5)when the menu appears, click on “install”.

6) you’ll be asked to install if you want to  quick install or custom install. Form need be filled depending upon your preference.

7)Fill the form. keep some values default.

8)then, specify the installation URL, i.e. where you want to install WordPress.

9)Then, fill the wordpress admin username, password, and email address and choose the wordpress installation language.

10)After you fill the form, hit install.

the installation begins.



I feel that Cpanel is as good as any other platform. It provides a good feel to use.

It is easy and simple and gives you the choice to customize and change the settings of the hosting platform.


Author: khojnu

Nepal Local Travel and Tourism Promotion ( Local Business )

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